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Fawning Definition

The Art of Fawning: When Flattery Becomes Manipulation

Understanding the Concept

Fawning, a term often associated with obsequiousness and flattery, refers to the act of seeking approval or favor through exaggerated admiration and compliments. While it may seem harmless at first glance, fawning can have insidious consequences if utilized with manipulative intent.

Manifestations of Fawning

Excessive Compliments

Individuals who engage in fawning often shower their targets with excessive and insincere compliments, creating an illusion of admiration and appreciation. These compliments may lack specificity or substance, instead relying on broad and generic statements that aim to boost the recipient's ego.

Unwarranted Attention

Fawners may also lavish excessive attention on their targets, going out of their way to assist them with tasks or engage in conversation that is not genuinely reciprocal. This pattern of behavior aims to create a sense of indebtedness and obligation, making the recipient more susceptible to the fawner's requests.

Seeking Favors

Ultimately, the goal of fawning is to gain favors or influence over the target individual. By establishing a false sense of admiration and dependence, fawers can manipulate their targets into granting them concessions or providing them with opportunities.
