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Fawning Behavior

Fawning: A Trauma Response to Avoid Conflict

Understanding Fawning

Fawning is a coping mechanism that involves abandoning your own needs and desires to serve others. It is often a subconscious response to a difficult or toxic person who has made you feel unsafe or threatened.

Trauma Responses vs. Choices

Trauma responses are not choices but rather the body's instinctual reaction to danger. They are a survival mechanism that helps us to avoid further harm.

Fawning as an Unconscious Attempt to Escape Danger

Fawning is an unconscious attempt to appease a perceived threat by trying to please whoever is causing the danger. This can involve agreeing with everything they say, going out of your way to help them, or suppressing your own feelings and opinions.

Adaptive Survival Response to Trauma

Fawning is an adaptive survival response to prolonged or complex trauma. It can help us to avoid further victimization and to gain a sense of safety.


Fawning can be a helpful coping mechanism in the face of danger. However, it is important to be aware of this response and to seek help if it is preventing you from living a fulfilling life.

Additional SEO-Optimized Keywords:

* Trauma-informed care * Emotional regulation * Self-care * Complex trauma * Healing from trauma
