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Fawning Meaning

The Meaning and Usage of "Fawning"


The term "fawning" refers to behavior that seeks or is used to gain approval or favor through flattery.


The word "fawning" originates from the Old English word "fægnian," meaning "to rejoice, exult, or be glad."

Meaning and Usage

In the context of communication, fawning involves excessive praise or attention that is not genuine. It is often used to describe insincere attempts to gain favor or manipulate others.

The word "fawning" can serve as both an adjective and a noun. As an adjective, it describes something that is excessively flattering or obsequious.


  • The politician's fawning speech was met with skepticism from the audience.
  • The boss's fawning assistant always made sure to be the first one in the office.
  • Her fawning attitude toward her superiors made her unpopular among her colleagues.
