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Early Life And Family

Asher: The Eighth Son of Jacob and Progenitor of the Tribe of Asher

Early Life and Family

Asher was the eighth son of the patriarch Jacob, a prominent figure in the Hebrew Bible. His mother was Zilpah, Leah's servant. The name "Asher" signifies "blessed" or "happy" in Hebrew.

Tribe of Asher

Asher is regarded as the traditional progenitor of the tribe of Asher. The tribe was allotted land in the northern region of Canaan, stretching from Mount Carmel to Sidon. The territory was fertile and known for its olive trees, vineyards, and grain fields.

Scriptural Accounts

According to the Biblical account, Leah believed she could no longer have children, so she gave Zilpah to Jacob as a concubine. Zilpah bore Asher and his brother Gad.

Asher's Blessing

In the Book of Genesis, Jacob blesses his sons before his death. Asher receives the blessing, "May Asher's bread be rich, and he provide royal delicacies." This suggests that the tribe of Asher would be prosperous and successful in agriculture and trade.

Asher in the New Testament

Asher is mentioned in the Gospel of Luke as one of the ancestors of Jesus Christ. The genealogy provided in the New Testament traces Jesus' lineage back to the patriarch Abraham, through Jacob, and ultimately to Asher.


Asher, the eighth son of Jacob, was the founder of the tribe of Asher. As a progenitor and a figure mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments, Asher holds a significant place in Jewish and Christian history.
